Monday, 20 December 2010

No Mojo

It's been nearly 2 weeks since I last posted but I simply haven't had any mojo this last couple of weeks. My little man went away on the 6th December to the states with his Nan and Pops and since he has been gone, I've not been able to come up with anything at all. Thank goodness that he arrives back tomorrow and let's hope my mojo comes back. Missed him so much and can't wait to see him again.
This is an ATC tin that I coloured with alcohol inks and then cut the flowers from metal and coloured them to match. It's one that I did ages ago but thought that you might like to see it.

Did anyone order the Grand Caliber last week on C&C. I did and can't wait for it to come. I have got some of the embossing folders and masks that CE are now supplying and the new Caliber will allow me to use them to their full potential. Will definately post my creations when I get it and start playing.

Thanks for reading. Promise not to leave it so long next time.

1 comment:

  1. If you can read this guys............I'm sorry that I haven't posted but my blog has completely frozen and everytime I try to post it freezes my pc so I'm going to start another one and will try to inform you when that happens........hopefully it will be called KDKCreations2. Be in touch soon xxxxxx
